
Mushrooms under the Microscope
Mushrooms under the Microscope
Learn more about mushrooms and toadstools and view images of mushroom spores captured under a digital microscope here.
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High School WiFi Microscopes Put to Use in Ohio
High School WiFi Microscopes Put to Use in Ohio
Learn how a high school in Ohio put WiFi microscopes to use and captured some beautiful images while learning about osmosis.
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Pap Smear under the Microscope
Pap Smear under the Microscope
Learn more about the Pap Smear test that screens for cervical cancer, different testing methods, and view images under the microscope.
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Viewing Polymers under the Microscope
Viewing Polymers under the Microscope
Polymers are larger molecules composed of many repeated subunits. Both synthetic and natural polymers often need to be analyzed under a microscope in industry and manufacturing. Learn more about examining polymers under the microscope here.
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Zeiss Stemi 305 Stereo Microscope Images
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Dog Kidney Disease Under the Microscope
Dog Kidney Disease Under the Microscope
Kidney disease affects about ten percent of dogs and there are a variety of different causes. Learn more about kidney disease in dogs and view a dog's kidney under the veterinarian's microscope.
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