Prepared Slides: Human Histology Microscope Slides

The images below were captured with the DMBA210 digital biological microscope. These prepared slides are included in the Histology Human Prepared Slide Kit.


Tonsil Image Human Tonsil
A cross section of the human tonsil.Tonsils are made up of tissue that is similar to lymph nodes.
Human Thyroid Microscope Image Human Thyroid Gland This cross section of human thyroid gland shows cuboidal and colloid stroma. The thyroid gland is one of the largest endocrine glands in the body and controls how quickly the body uses energy.
Liver Microscope Image Human Liver Tissue
Stained cross section of the human liver with white fibrous tissue. The liver is a vital organ and helps with detoxification, protein synthesis, and production of biochemicals necessary for digestion.
Kidney Microscope Image Human Kidney
This is a cross section of a kidney through the cortex and medulla. The kidneys remove wastes and water from the blood to form urine.
Esophagus Microscope Image Human Esophagus
This cross section through the upper region of the esophagus shows the striated muscle.
Tendon Microscope Image Human Tendon
This longitudinal section of a tendon shows strands of cells in dense fiber bundles. A tendon is a thick band of fibrous connective tissue that connects muscle to bone.
Columnar Epith Microscope Image Columnar Epith
These are pseudo-stratified sections from the intestines. Epithelium is a tissue composed of cells that line the cavities and surfaces throughout the body. Learn more here.
Ciliated Epith Microscope Image Human Columnar Ciliated Epith
This pseudo-stratified columnar ciliated epith shows the detail in sections of the trachea. Ciliated epithelium is usually found in the air passages like the nose.
Pancreas Microscope image Human Pancreas
This cross section of the pancreas shows acini with secretory and centyrolinar cells and islands of Lengerhans.
Bone Marrow Microscope Image Human Bone Marrow
This is a human bone marrow smear. Bone marrow is a flexible tissue found in the hollow interior of bones.

