
Woody Stem Under the Microscope
Woody Stem Under the Microscope
Woody plants produce wood as their structural tissue - usually either trees or shrubs. Click here to view a cross section of a woody stem under the microscope and learn more.
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Daphnia under the Microscope
Daphnia under the Microscope
Daphnia are commonly called water fleas because their swimming style resembles the movement of fleas. Learn more here.
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Koehler Microscope Illumination
Koehler Microscope Illumination
Why would you want Koehler illumination on your microscope and how to obtain it.
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Zeiss Stemi 508 Stereo Microscope Images
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How to Obtain Darkfield in Microscopy
How to Obtain Darkfield in Microscopy
Darkfield microscopy can be performed with a stereo microscope or a biological compound microscope. Learn more about how to use darkfield with your microscope and why you might want it.
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Zeiss Primo Star HD Digital Microscope Images
Zeiss Primo Star HD Digital Microscope Images
We captured a bunch of images using the Zeiss Primo Star HD digital microscope. Take a look, some of them are pretty spectacular!
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