
Stereo Microscope Polarizing LED Ring Light
Stereo Microscope Polarizing LED Ring Light
What are the differences between a standard LED ring light and a polarizing LED ring light? When can using one be helpful? Read more to find out...
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Microscope Cover Slips
Microscope Cover Slips
Understanding the thickness of microscope cover slips to use (if any at all) can be helpful when obtaining a clear microscopy image at high magnification. Learn more about cover slip differences here.
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Stereo Microscope 225x Myth
Stereo Microscope 225x Myth
The myth of the 225x stereo microscope broken down.
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Filter Patch Inspection Explained
Filter Patch Inspection Explained
How to use a filter patch microscope to keep large machinery operating at full capacity and find foreign particles before they cause machinery to break down.
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Using Microscopes for Surface Roughness Inspection
Using Microscopes for Surface Roughness Inspection
The automotive industry uses microscopes to inspect surface roughness and perform quality control. Learn more about this process and which microscopes work best.
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Plant Stomata under the Microscope
Plant Stomata under the Microscope
Learn how to view plant stomata under the microscope and what the stomata can tell you about the plant's habitat.
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