What is BRIX?
BRIX is a refractive index unit of measurement. Refractive Index is the propensity of light to bend as it passes through liquid. For example, a glass of pure water will bend light that passes through it. As solids are dissolved in water, the light will bend more as the accumulation increases.
What is the BRIX scale used for?
The food industry uses the BRIX scale to measure the estimated amount of sugars in juice, soda, fruit, vegetables, and wine. Additionall, the BRIX scale is used in metal work production as a way to check water-based lubricant concentration.
How was the BRIX scale developed?
Sugar (sucrose) solutions were used to develop the BRIX scale. The refractive index of pure water (RI = 1.333) was defined as 0 BRIX. The rest of the scale was calibrated to be read directly as percent sucrose (ie BRIX). This reference was used to determine when fruit was ripe and ready for harvest.
BRIX Measurement
Thee BRIX value of fluid is measured using optical and digital refractometers. Not all solids bend light to the same degree and the actual concentration of a given fluid must be calibrated to relate to BRIX by the manufacturer. In order to calibrate Brix refractometers, you need Brix Liquids. When selecting a Brix Liquid it is advisable to select one close to the Brix value of the samples being inspected. Refractometer manufacturers suggest zeroing out with distilled water as zero Brix.
How to Select a BRIX Liquid
The three BRIX Liquid categories of users are summarized below.
Category 1 - Does NOT control refractometer temperature with a constant temperature circulating water bath. These users are often using hand held refractometers. From the chart at the bottom of the page, select the Brix value you wish to work with and order the refractive index liquid shown beside it.
Category 2 - DOES control refractometer temperature with a constant temperature circulating water bath. Category 2 requires better precision than Category 1 for Brix values. These are the recommended Brix liquids:
Category 3 - Requires the greatest precision for Brix values. There are three Master Calibration Liquids available for this group:
- Master Calibration Liquid Brix 42%
- Master Calibration Liquid Brix 67%
- Master Calibration Liquid Brix 80%
NOTE: Many refractometers have a temperature compensation mode that works for water based materials, but is not suitable for oils including our Brix Calibration Standards. The refractometer temperature compensation mode should be shut OFF during calibration and the actual sample temperature recorded and monitored.