Prior Scientific Single Axis Nanopositioning Stainless Steel Stage with Controller
Prior Scientific Single Axis Nanopositioning Stainless Steel Stage with Controller
This single axis Nanopositioning stage has one linear axis of motion and is intended primarily for horizontal motion. However, the stage will function in other orientations. The capacitive sensor design provides sub-nanometer displacement measurement and closed-loop feedback over a range in excess of 15µm. The millisecond response time and high bandwith make this stage ideal for high-throughput applications. The stage system includes the NPC-D-6110 single channel closed loop controller.
Applications for the NPS-X-15A Nanopositioning stage include atomic force microscopy (AFM), magneto-resistive head and disk drive testing, interferometry, and metrology.
The Nanopostion Stage NPS-X-15A is made to order and the exact specifications of your stage will be provided when you receive it. Typical specifications are as follows:
- Stage Material: Stainless steel
- Open Loop Range: ± 10.5 µm (varies with each stage)
- Closed Loop Range: ± 8 µm, typical with a minimum of ± 7.5µm (varies with each stage)
- Scale factor error (1σ): 0.1% (varies with each stage)
- Resonant frequency: at 0g load: 3500 Hz is typical, with a minimum of 3000 Hz (varies with each stage); at 50g load: 2500 Hz; at 200g load: 1500 Hz
- Maximum load: 3 kg for gravity acting in the Z direction
- Size: 60mm L x 40mm W x 13.5mm H
The NPC-D-6110 Controller is a single channel, 20 bit controller and has the following specifications:
- Interfacing: Analog command input and position output for compatibility with existing systems. Digital commands over USB for maximum accuracy with a DLL interface for customer software.
- Cooling: Convection cooled with temperature controlled fans
- Compatibility: Queensgate Nanobench, Micro-Manager, Metamorph, Elements via RS232C and other software using DLL interface.
- Controller Box Dimensions: 318mm x 240mm x 90mm
- Weight: 3kg
View the QGNPS-X-15A and QGNPS-X-15B Datasheet
View the Prior Scientific NanoScan NPC-D-6000 Series Controller Datasheet.
NOTE: This item is not returnable.
Prior Part # QGNPS-X-15A-D1, QGNPS-X-15A, QGNPC-D-6110