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Mitutoyo Vernier Outside Micrometer 0-1" Tapered Frame Ratchet Stop

SKU: 103-260
Price: $145.00

Mitutoyo Vernier Outside Micrometer 0-1"

This Mitutoyo vernier outside micrometer has a tapered frame and ratchet stop for even pressure and exact repetitive readings. Baked-enamel finished frame.

  • Range = 0-1"
  • Accuracy = +/-0.0001"
  • Graduation = 0.0001"
  • Data Output = No
  • Flatness = 0.000024"
  • Measuring Faces = Carbide tipped
  • Parallelism = [0.00008 + 0.00004 (L/4)]" L = max range (inch)
Mitutoyo Part # = 103-260
NOTE: This item is not returnable.

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