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Mercury Short Arc Lamp 100W HBO 100 W2

SKU: HBO100W-2
Price: $205.00

Mercury Short Arc Lamp 100W HBO 100 W2

This bulb is 100W and has 2200L of light output. The bulb is 90mm long and 10mm in diameter.

This bulb is compatible with the following microscopes:

  • Zeiss microscopes: Axiophot, Axiophot 2, Axioplan, Axioplan 2, Axioskop, Axiotron, Axiotron 2, Axiovert 100/135/135M/TV
  • Any Zeiss product that uses bulbs Zeiss part #s 380018-4060-000 or 381613-0000-000
  • Olympus BX50, BH-RFL, BH2-RFL, IMT2-RFP
  • Any system requiring Olympus part # 8B192 bulb
  • Meiji MT6000 series and TC5000 series microscopes

Note: This item is not returnable.
