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CCIS EC-H Plan Phase Contrast 40x Microscope Objective Lens

SKU: 1101.0017.03411
Price: $447.00

CCIS EC-H Plan Phase Contrast 40x Microscope Objective Lens

Motic Color Corrected Infinity System EC-H Plan Phase Contrast Achromat objectives have multi-layer coated glass that provides enhanced contrast. Lead-free manufacturing according to RoHS standards.

  • EC-H Plan Phase Contrast Achromat 40x microscope objective
  • NA = 0.65
  • WD = 0.50mm
  • Thread Size = 20.32mm / pitch 0.706 (RMS)
  • DIN = 45mm
NOTE: This item is not returnable.

Motic part # 1101001703411

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