Metallurgical Sample Preparation Grinding & Polishing
In order to obtain scratch free surfaces without deformation, successive material removal by abrasives is necessary. Grinding is the next stage after sectioning. Grinding is divided into two processes: Planar grinding and Fine grinding. The purpose of planar grinding is to obtain a level surface and to remove scale, burrs or surface irregulation from the specimen.
To remove deformation from fine grinding and obtain a surface that is highly reflective, the specimens must be polished before they can be examined under the microscope. Polishing is a complex activity in which factors such as quality and suitability for the cloth, abrasive, polishing pressure, polishing speed and duration need to be taken into account. The quality of the surface obtained after the final polishing depends on all these factors and the finish of the surface on completion of each of the previous stages.
You will find grinding and polishing machines here, as well as grinding and polishing supplies.